Imagine. Having a Paid Board & C-Suite Consultant or two.
How can our consultants help?

Board Relations
Attend your Board of Director Meeting as an observer, then report back opinions.
Attend and provide more detailed notes and suggestions.
Attend 1st Board Meeting, then follow up at future Board Meetings with collaboration with Executive Director, CFO and/or VP Human Resources/HR Director with opinions and suggestions to move forward.
Participate in Strategic Planning Sessions. Work with Board, C-Suite, Management to provide valuable

Paid vs Volunteer Board Member
We provide a service different than a Volunteer Board Member.
Many nonprofits are under the impression that all Board Members must be volunteers. However, they CAN use consultants to work with your Board of Directors.
Volunteers are very limited in time, so it's very difficult for them to dedicate and provide quality service with an outside point of view.
Paid Board Consultants can work with your volunteer board under their direction, so you still DO have your volunteer board, however, we provide a valuable service to make your volunteer board and C-Suite even STRONGER!

C-Suite & Board Consulting
We don't only work with your Board of Directors, our experienced Nonprofit Consultants can work with both the C-Suite and Board Members on problem areas they may want to talk through. A different point of view, somebody to lean on, outside your close knit group, may be just what you need.
You don't even have to hire us when things get bad, but utilize us on a regular basis to consult with your C-Suite, Management or Board of Directors to provide feedback to bring together all parties and work better as a cohesive team.
We help break down the silos of the Board of Directors, C-Suite, Management and the Board.
Ask us about C-Suite and Board Level Consulting Packages.