Imagine. Having an HR Interview Consultant.
How can our consultants help?

Working with you to "Pre-Screen" your applicants. You post your ad, and select the candidates that you would like us to contact and ask a standard set of interview questions that you have prepared.

1st Interview Introduction

Follow Up Interview
Once we contact the potential employee, we will provide you with the results.
If you would like us to set up the 1st interview with you and your selected staff and be on the call.
Once the first interview is over, we get feedback from your staff that was on the call and determine whether or not to contact the applicant for a 2nd interview.
We set up the 2nd interview and introduce those on that call.
Once the 2nd interview is over, then will provide feedback to the hiring manager and responsible supervisor for this potential employee.
Then, we hand it back to your HR department to intake a new employee!